Frequently asked questions
What are the benefits of yoga?
Whatever your age or physical condition, whatever your religious belief or cultural heritage, yoga can help you vastly improve the quality of your life and health. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit, meaning to yoke, discipline, to unite, to make whole. Yoga incorporates physiological, psychological and spiritual processes to unify and call to the present moment all aspects of a human being.
Is yoga a religion?
No, yoga is not a religion. It is a nonsectarian science which promotes harmony. Anyone of any faith, or simply an appreciation of nature, can find his or her religion, or other life path enhanced as a result.
Can I as a beginner attend any class?
If you are feeling like you primarily need stress relief and don’t want to do much movement:
If you want to learn more poses and have a more active class, but are concerned about staying energized through the practice:
Stiffer bodies
Soft flow
Soft flow/restore
Qi Gong/Meditation (not yoga, but a wonderful mindful practice)
What should I wear?
Remove your shoes at the door and change into your bare feet. Wear comfortable clothing that will not overheat or overly bind. Please do NOT wear perfume, and we recommend not wearing makeup or jewelry.
What guidelines should I follow when I practice yoga?
Respect pain. Pay close attention to your body’s innate feedback system. Distinguish between the discomfort of moving a stiff body, and pain caused by overdoing or excessive demand on a joint. Sudden or severe pain is a warning. Most postures can be modified; JUST ASK! Balance work and rest. Yoga is about building energy. Balance your power yoga workouts with some restore classes. Breathe properly. Without fully expanding your lungs, the muscles you are exercising cannot be adequately supplied with oxygen.
I am really fit. Will yoga challenge me?
No matter what condition you are in, Yoga is a great way to enhance or surpass your current fitness level. Try it. You’ll be hooked.
I am not receiving class notifications.
Make sure that you have not unsubscribed to any email or text from us. Check your spam if you do not receive a message.
I am recovering from …
As humans we go through so much. Together we help one-another to remember our wholeness. If you are coming back from illness, injury, emotional distress, or any other difficult human experience, we have classes that will feel loving, while helping you recover. Our Soft Flow, Yoga Nidra, & Restore classes are perfect for helping you feel held.
What should I bring?
Bring water, a towel, and a yoga sticky mat if you have one. You can rent a mat at the studio, or ideally, everyone should—for hygienic reasons—own their own mat. For Restore classes, you may want to bring your own blanket. Do not bring a cell phone, or at least turn it off when you enter.
How often should I practice yoga?
Successful yoga practice requires consistency and discipline. For overall transformation, practice 4 – 6 times a week. For cross training or injury prevention, twice a week is suitable. To jumpstart your routine, attend 10 classes in two weeks!
How often are the studios cleaned?
See our STANDARD OF CARE page to better understand how we care for our buildings and our students.
I am not receiving Zoom or LiveStream links.
Make sure to add the following emails to your email white-list to make sure you receive emails regarding your class, otherwise they may end up in spam.
How do I cancel a class I am registered for?
If you need to cancel a reservation, click on ACCOUNT to manage your class registrations from the menu.
You can cancel any reservation up to 2 hours before class start. If you try to cancel less than 2 hours, you potentially will still be charged.
Free Classes …
We do not offer regularly scheduled free classes - what we have learned over the last 20 years is that with over 100 classes a week & multiple locations a single class does not help convey all we have to offer.
One way to experience what we have to offer is to try our reduced price for the first month, click HERE to explore more.
Should I eat before class?
Eat at least two hours before class to give you time to digest. If you have not eaten, and need to consume something, choose to eat lightly. It is best to practice yoga on an empty stomach. Drink plenty of water before, and after class.
Can I talk during class and ask questions?
We at Centered City Yoga love questions and love interacting with our students. However, please keep conversation to a minimum to maintain a quiet atmosphere.
Is anything special done with the heating and cooling systems?
See our STANDARD OF CARE page to better understand how we care for our buildings and our students.
I am not receiving wait list notifications.
Make sure that you have not unsubscribed to any email or text from us.
How do I get the LiveStream App?
Use the following link to download the LiveStream app to improve your experience on your computer. For mobile, use Safari for IOS and Chrome for Android.
Our Community Classes are Free…
Though they are not regularly scheduled we have community classes that are taught by our teacher trainees to give back to the community and deepen their teaching skills. You can find these classes in our class schedule.
Regardless of which of our studios you visit, we are going above and beyond the CDC and Health Department recommendations for cleaning, cleanliness, and covid guidelines. We have carefully designed our processes and procedures to make sure you are kept as safe as possible. We use a variety of sophisticated and advanced tools to help, here are a few;
Hepa filters that have capacity exceeding our requirements
Air purification systems to eliminate pollutants, mold, bacteria and viruses
Cleaning protocols that we follow before, during and after classes
Fresh air intake into all rooms
We love you, and know the health of everyone in our yoga family is of utmost priority.
If you have a cough, fever, or any symptom of illness, please stay home until you've been entirely symptom-free.
If you feel unwell, or if you're a high-risk individual, please stay home, stay safe, and practice with our CCY ONLINE classes.
Medical-grade cleaners & frequent cleaning of common areas and high-touch surfaces. Our staff uses cleaners to clean all the common areas, doorknobs, floors and bathrooms.
Remember to bring your own water bottle. You can fill it up at the water fountain in the hallway.
Bathrooms are available.
Finding your space for your mat. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to allow an on-time start for class, and to ensure you have a perfect place for you for your practice
Reserve your spot online before class - this is critical to make sure that there is enough room. You may be turned away if there is not room and you have not reserved your space.
If you can't make it to class, please cancel your reservation at least 24 hours before class to allow someone else to take your spot. A cancellation/no-show fee will be assessed.
One-Touch check-in. Please sign up and check in on our website or app before entering the building. This allows no-touch. Alternatively, you can confirm your reservation and complete check-in on the iPads upon arrival.