Centered City Yoga Under New Ownership!


Centered City Yoga Under New Ownership! It still feels quite surreal. I would love to introduce myself to you. My name is Rachel Cieslewicz. I was raised primarily in the Mojave Desert of St. George, Utah. My yoga journey started young, at the age of five. When I was 18, I moved to Salt Lake City to attend the University of Utah, where I took my first yoga class. It was during my first day of yoga practice at the U, I realized my spontaneous daily practice of breath, linked with movement in my bedroom or out in the desert sun for 13 years, had timeless depth and value. I took it as a sign and I dedicated myself to yoga as a conscious student from that day forward. Fast forward to the present. I am now 37 years old. I still love and practice yoga daily. My personal path of yoga is Ashtanga, though I hold deep respect for all paths of yoga. I see how when practiced authentically, all paths lead to the same realizations. How wonderful! My guru is Manju Jois and Srivatsa Ramaswami. Their depth of knowledge and infinite wisdom has enriched my life, and all lives they touch, with blessings and the understanding of yoga in its truth. Other teachers of great help and insight on my way are Sondra Fraleigh, Jeff Silverstein, Stephen Brown, Peter Francyk, and D'ana Baptiste. I earned my initial 600-hour yoga teacher certificate from D'ana. I seek to continuously inspire others to learn what it truly means to live a fulfilling life of joy. My greatest gift is my dear son Canyon, he inspires my own deepest love and strength. I lead lyrical and purposeful classes, and carry the intention for others to find their own inner beauty and strength, and to connect with their infinite potential. I enjoy assisting students to develop courage and love, on and off the mat, to manifest their dreams and live a beautiful life. This is all while becoming healthy and strong in body, mind and soul.I also own another yoga studio I founded with my husband, Eric Martin. We created Yoga Soul Studio in St. George, Utah as an expression of love and an offering of kind balance to our community. I seek to guide each student and teacher of the studio to share wonder, learning, positive growth, strength, beauty and healing. My wish is to assist all seeking, to manifest their own personal human potential and truth.I am delighted to bring this same intention and love to Centered City Yoga. As part of this, I am pleased to announce that any CCY class card holders, and those on unlimited passes, may use their passes at the St. George Studio. I have merged CCY and Yoga Soul as sister studios. Of course you can always drop-in as well. Just let your teacher know you have a pass with CCY, and they know how to help you! You can find the Yoga Soul online schedule hereI am thrilled to thrive with you in our next chapter in life with Centered City Yoga. Please reach out to me! Come and meet me. I would love to meet you!I am registered with the Yoga Alliance as a 500-hour E-RYT. I earned a B.S. in exercise sport science from the University of Utah. I integrate yogic philosophy into my other life passions as an elite runner, cyclist and endurance coach. I am also licensed massage therapist and own, an Endurance coaching company integrating mind, body, spirit and sports.  


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